Hi, My name is Sumant
and I am a

What I have done so far?

Work Experience & Learning Path

HTML Logo CSS Logo JS Logo
HTML, CSS, and JavaScript provides a strong foundation for web development. HTML defines the structure of web pages, CSS controls their appearance, and JavaScript adds interactivity. Mastering these languages empowered me to create dynamic, visually appealing websites and web applications, enhancing the user experience and functionality.
php logo
PHP and Heroku (2021)
With PHP, we can create dynamic web pages, processform data, handle file uploads, and build complex backend logic, making it an essential skill for building dynamic and interactive web applications. I used it with my Real Esate Website Project to upload data and render through backend databses. I used Heroku for deploying this project to backend.
SQL Logo
SQL (Structured Query Language) is essential for working with relational databases. SQL allows you to interact with databases to manage, manipulate, and retrieve data effectively. With SQL, you can create and modify database schemas, store and retrieve data, perform complex queries, filter and sort information, and aggregate and analyze data. I have utilised this in my projects such as Real Estate website and Python Crime Reporting softwares.
Python Logo
Python (2021)
With Python, you can develop scalable and efficient software solutions, automate tasks, create web APIs, handle data manipulation, implement algorithms, and much more. I developed a Crime Reporting software as my class project where users can file complaints through the software. The data is stored in SQL databases and same can be viewed by admin through their part of the application.
React Logo
ReactJS (2022)
React.js empowers you to develop dynamic and interactive user interfaces for web applications. React.js is a popular JavaScript library that enables the creation of reusable UI components. With React.js, you can efficiently manage the state and rendering of components, handle user events, and build complex UI structures.
NodeJS Logo NodeJS Logo
Node.JS and MongoDB (2022)
Node.js and MongoDB provides a powerful combination for building scalable and data-driven applications. Node.js allows you to develop server-side applications using JavaScript, while MongoDB serves as a NoSQL database that stores and retrieves data in a flexible and scalable manner. With Node.js and MongoDB, you can easily handle data operations, create RESTful APIs, implement real-time features, and build full-stack applications.
NodeJS Logo NodeJS Logo
MS Excel and Tableau (2022)
Tableau and Excel equips me with essential skills for data analysis and visualization. Excel is a powerful spreadsheet tool that enables you to manage and manipulate data, perform calculations, create charts, and generate reports. Tableau, on the other hand, is a data visualization and business intelligence tool that allows you to explore data, create interactive dashboards, and share insights.
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About Me

Welcome! I'm Sumant Kumar, a dedicated college student pursuing a B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering from Lovely Professional University, Punjab. Passionate about Computer Science, I'm eager to contribute to the industry. With a strong foundation in computer technologies and practical experience through internships and projects, I excel in solving real-world challenges using Data Structures and Algorithms.

Active participation in hackathons and projects has enhanced my leadership, teamwork, and communication skills, enabling effective collaboration with diverse teams. My portfolio showcases projects that highlight my technical abilities and problem-solving prowess, demonstrating quick learning and efficient application of knowledge.

I'm excited to apply my skills in a professional setting, contributing to an innovative and growth-oriented company. I adapt quickly, have a strong work ethic, and thrive in dynamic environments. Currently seeking entry-level Developer roles, I'm motivated to continue learning and contribute to a team's success. Let's connect and explore how I can make an impact!

Thank you for visiting my portfolio, and I look forward to hearing from you soon!

Best regards,

Sumant Kumar


MERN certificate LinkedIn
Explore App Development with the MERN Stack

LinkedIn Learning
April 2022
Data Structures and Algorithms using Java

Infosys SpringBoard
June 2023
MERN certificate LinkedIn
Salesforce Catalyst Plus

Grazitti Interactive
Jan 2023
MERN certificate LinkedIn
Software Development Concepts

July 2023
Java Programming

Infosys SpringBoard
July 2023
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Real Estate FullStack Website

April, 2022
Crime Reporting Software
Crime Reporting Software

Nov 2022
TouchType Website using React

May 2023
FarmDirect E-comm website
FarmDirect E-Comm Website

June 2023
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